Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Antiwar Voices and The American Conservative and The American Conservative are two non-mainstream news websites that have very strong anti war voices. 

One of the first things I noticed was that the had a casualty count for both Iraq and American citizens killed since 2003. This is such a unique feature for a media website because after checking some of the most mainstream news websites, none of them has anything similar to that. While has a more dated look for its website, information is still easy to find and you can see different sections for each nation that has some war or conflict going on. 

I was less impressed with The American Conservative as it was closer to a mainstream news website that locks you behind a paywall once you have reached a certain limit of article links clicked on. One of the first things you can see on both of these websites is a donate button. As both of these are non-mainstream news websites, I can see how they would still ask for money since they are not being paid by a big company to write these articles. 

Why Are These Voices Not Heard In Mainstream Media?

The first amendment protects dissent, which means no matter how big the majority opinion is, the minority opinion can still be supported unless otherwise stated by another amendment. The government and media both benefit from war because war makes the government more money and gets easy coverage for mainstream media. Since war benefits the media, anti war voices are less likely to be found, meaning those who have a strong opinion have to out source to websites like and The American Conservative. A lot of mainstream media websites have very specific rules and regulations that have to be followed when publishing articles but these non mainstream news websites do not have to follow those same rules and are able to more freely express their opinions.

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