Monday, September 11, 2023

Promoting Innovation

Left and Right Brain

There are a lot of people in this world who tend to say that they are either left brained or right brained and use that as a way of sharing that they are either more creative or logical. As someone who has a passion for both a scientific and creative field, I tend to say that I lean towards both. That also applies when looking at the Eight Values of Expression because when I think about how we promote innovation, that requires both creativity and logic. Innovation requires a creative mind that can come up with ideas but also somebody who's willing to crunch the numbers and figure out how to make that idea come to light.

What Does Innovation Mean to Me?

I have always been fascinated by science so being able to see technology advance so much in the two decades of my lifetime has been inspiring. I went from having a flip phone that could only make calls in middle school to basically having a full on computer that is the size of my pocket. I feel like being able to innovate and being able to talk about and discuss both the pros and cons of those innovations should be a basic human right. Throughout all of human history, we have constantly been innovating and using those innovations to advance our societies. There have also been moments in history where we see how the loss of innovation causes a dark period of time, namely the destruction of the Library of Alexandria. We were able to pull ourselves out of those dark times by beginning to innovate again. We need to continue innovating because otherwise we become stagnant as a society. 

Innovation vs. A.I.

Is A.I. the death of innovation? That is the question being asked by many right now. Artificial intelligence is the most recent step up in the innovation of technology and it is being hit with mixed opinions. There are those who support the advance of A.I. because of all the good we can do with it: diagnosing health problems, predicting virus outbreaks, detecting deadly weapons, etc.. There are also those who don't support it because it could steal job from workers. Artists and script writers are upset because you can use these new A.I.s to create a picture for you or write a whole script for you. 

Without the freedom of speech and our value of promoting innovation, we would not be able to discuss our different viewpoints on this kind of technology. From my point of view, I believe this technology could benefit everyone and while it could potentially take certain jobs in the future, it can not replace the actual ingenuity that we all have. An A.I. can write a script or draw a picture based on what we tell it but at the end of the day, we are the ones who came up with the ideas. We still have the right to be innovators and come up with ideas that can change the world.

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