Monday, September 11, 2023

My Sources of News and Information

I'm not one who constantly stalks the news to know what is going on, so thinking of my top five sources was a little difficult. 


If you have read my "about me" section, you know that I have a passion for video games. IGN is probably the most visited website for video game news. You can find out just about anything you would want to know about video games that are releasing soon or even reviews of games that have just come out. While they originally started as just a news site for video games, they have branched out in the past couple of years and have started writing out news for anything related to popular culture. 

Link: IGN


As someone who doesn't watch a lot of television, one of my biggest news sources is my phone. I'm constantly on different apps but the one I would say that I use the most is TikTok. What is great, and maybe also not so great, about TikTok is that it constantly caters to your interests. If I like a video that talks about news pertaining to a new show coming out, I will more than likely start seeing more and more videos about that show coming out. While I enjoy having the constant feed of media that I care about, I can also understand how that may blind me to other issues that are going on around the world.

Link: TikTok


While I know that I don't go out of my way to research any current events that are happening, I have friends that do. I have good enough friends that keep me informed on anything they learn about and find interesting. I also have friends that will post current events on their social media stories and as nosy as I am, I like to know why they considered this event so important that they posted it on their story. 

Fox News

I almost did not want to put this on as one of my sources because it almost feels like second hand news and information. I myself do not go out of my way to turn on fox news, but my father does and I will listen in whenever he has it on. While this isn't my go to news source for most of my information, Contrary to what I said earlier, I do go to Fox News for live events such as presidential debates. I find this news source most useful when the situation it is covering is live and unbiased.

Link: Fox News


I find Google to be an interesting source of news because in the past, I had not usually considered it to be one that I used often. After some thought, I realized that I do constantly check the google news to see if any new information has come out about media I care about. More than likely, Google will have some relevant news article about any subject I want to know about. I find that sometimes when I am bored, I will check Google News to see if anything has happened recently that is interesting.  

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